Showcase First Video over Hybrid Multicast
Technical Details
In this first showcase we present our prototype implementation of the H∀Mcast stack used for videostreaming over a hybrid multicast topology. The videostream is send by one node via IP-multicast and is received by two other nodes via IP-multicast and SCRIBE overlay multicast. Therefore another node acts as an Inter-domain Multicast Gateway (IMG) to forward the stream from IP- to SCRIBE overlay multicast.
- Hardware:
- 4 local nodes running H∀Mcast-stack:
- 1 SCRIBE (OM) node as receiver
- 1 IMG forwarding from OM-domain to IP-domain
- 2 IP-Multicast nodes (1 sender + 1 receiver)
- Software:
- Video streaming software (VLC + wrapper)
- Multicast-tree monitoring and visualizing tool
H∀Mcast Showcase in Pictures and Screenshots
We presented this showcase in the demo session at EuroView 2010 Workshop on IP in Würzburg (see here).