H∀Mcast - Hybrid Adaptive Mobile Multicast.
A Component within a Multiservice Internet Architecture
The research in HAMcast includes:
- Open Multi-Service Architecture
- Universal, Layer-Transparent API including Name-based Sockets
- Named Data Support for Group Communication
- Mobility-Transparent Routing
- ISP Service Interaction between Overlay and Underlay
- Experimentally Driven Optimization and Refinement
The project HAMcast is part of G-Lab and led by the INET group at HAW Hamburg, Germany.
HAMcast is funded by the BMBF (FKZ 01BK0925).
Selected News:
RFC published: Our draft A Common API for Transparent Hybrid Multicast implemented by HAMcast was released as RFC 7046
H∀Mcast 0.7 released: A new open-source release of our H∀Mcast implementation is available online
Poster@ACM SAC 2013: We present our poster "A Scalable Communication Infrastructure for Smart Grid Applications using Multicast over Public Networks"
Paper@IEEE LCN 2012: We present our paper "Large-Scale Measurement and Analysis of One-Way Delay in Hybrid Multicast Networks"
Demo@EuroView 2012: We present a showcase on the H∀Mcast prototype at the 12th Würzburg Workshop on IP: ITG Workshop Visions of Future Generation Networks
Project start: You will find a press release at openPR and IDW in German or English.