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Matthias Wählisch, Thomas C. Schmidt, Georg Wittenburg,
Broadcasting in Prefix Space: P2P Data Dissemination with Predictable Performance,
In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services (ICIW'09), (Mark Perry, Hideyasu Sasaki, Matthias Ehmann, Guadalupe Oritz Bellot, Oana Dini Ed.), pp. 74--83, Los Alamitos, CA, USA:IEEE Computer Society Press, May 2009.

Abstract: A broadcast mode may augment peer-to-peer overlay networks with an efficient, scalable data replication function, but may also give rise to a virtual link layer in VPN-type solutions. This paper introduces a simple broadcasting mechanism in prefix space of distributed hash tables and concentrates on the analysis of this prefix flooding scheme. Starting from simple models of recursive k-ary trees, we analytically derive distributions of hop counts and the replication load. Extensive simulation results are presented further on, based on an implementation within the OverSim framework. Comparisons are drawn to Scribe, taken as a general reference model for group communication according to the shared, rendezvous-point-centered distribution paradigm. The prefix flooding scheme thereby confirmed its widely predictable performance and consistently outperformed Scribe in all metrics. Reverse path selection in overlays is identified as a major cause of performance degradation.

Note: Best Paper Award

Themes: Peer-to-Peer Networking